Pembroke Log Cabin Quilters Guild 

Members Only

ONLY share this link with other members, do NOT post anywhere. This page does NOT have a live link in our website, this helps with privacy but there is some risk a "hacker" could find this information. IF you have any issues with info on this page contact Cathy.

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2025 Quilt Show Leads

Set up May 30; Show May 31 & Jun 01

  1. Chair:  Erin Harvey

  2. Admissions: 

  3. Northcott Challenge:  Erin Harvey

  4. Publicity: 

  5. Quilt Organizer: Cathy Fisher

  6. Quilt Organizer: Connie Daiken

  7. Tea Room: 

  8. Treasurer: Mary Jackson (and raffle)

  9. Member Boutique: 

  10. Vendors: Joanne Jefferies

Photo: 2022 Raffle Block


  1. President: Faith Van Dam

  2. Past President: Mary-Ann Vanner

  3. Vice President: Caroline Beaulieu

  4. Treasurer: Mary Jackson

  5. Membership: Joanne Jefferies

  6. Program: Dawna Steele

  7. Secretary: Kim Streker

  8. Library: Joyce Layman & Connie Daiken

  9. Webmaster: Cathy Fisher

  10. Community Outreach: Dawn Miller

  11. Hospitality: Dawn Miller

  12. Publicity: Rose Lacelle

  13. 50/50 Guild Mtg: Marg Lacroix

  14. Newsletter: Sue McNamara

  15. Historian: Dawna Steele

Photo: 2018 Festive Dinner